The Whiteface Dartmoor Sheep Breeders’ Association was formed at a meeting in 1950 when those attending recognised that the breed was in danger of becoming extinct.

Colin Pearse, a life member of the association has compiled two books on the history of the breed and the families that have breed them. Read more here.

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The Whiteface Dartmoor Sheep Breeders’ Association
The Whiteface Dartmoor sheep is one of Britain’s most ancient of breeds. The original ‘easy-care’ sheep; perfect pure-bred or as an outstanding crossing breed.
Indigenous to Dartmoor, and well adapted to its upland pastures and moors, they are as much part of its landscape as are the tors, heath and hill ponies. The breed originated here and remains largely to this day restricted to Dartmoor.
But they are classified as ‘At risk’, numbers having declined hugely since their heyday in the 17th and 18th centuries. Overtaken by even hardier mountain sheep from the uplands of northern England and Scotland, their population has dwindled.
The Whiteface Dartmoor, renowned for exceptional mothering instinct and ease of lambing, produce high quality meat, wool and beautiful long-curled skins.
The Whiteface Dartmoor is an important part of Devon and Britain’s heritage. The Whiteface Dartmoor Sheep Breeders’ Association exists to ensure its survival into the future.